Heading away to an out-of-state college? How exciting! But don’t forget: You’ve got plenty of move planning to do. Whether you’re staying in a dorm or planning to live off campus, you need to get organized as early as possible because there’s a lot to do!

At Ace Moving & Warehousing, we know it’s all too easy for newer college students to let excitement get in the way of planning a successful, low-stress move — we’re here to help. Below, we’ve outlined some helpful tips for students who need to get ready for an upcoming college move.

Figure Out What You Really Need

If you’re a brand new college student and know you’ll be staying in the dorms for your freshman year, you probably won’t have much room for extra stuff. Standard dorms are notoriously cramped, which means you’ll likely have room for the essentials, maybe a few decorations, and not much else.

To ensure you don’t overpack and bring more than will fit, take some time to list out the items you really need, versus the items that are nice to have around. It might be tempting to pack your whole closet, but think about what you usually wear — do you really need that floor-length peacoat if you’re going to school in a Southern state? What about your 15 pairs of sneakers? Do really wear all of those on a regular basis?

If you bring more than you can fit on your side of the dorm, what will you do with the extra stuff? Unless you’re cool with giving it away or packing it inside a climate-controlled storage unit, be judicious about what you bring. And keep in mind: If you plan on heading home during breaks, you can always grab a few small things or extra outfits and bring them back with you.

Decide How You Plan to Move Your Stuff

So, how are you going to get your things to their destination? Will your parents help you move? Is there enough room in your family’s personal vehicles to pack your belongings? If you’re planning on bringing a desk, a special mattress, or anything else that’s large and awkwardly shaped, it may behoove you to hire a moving company that specializes in long-distance relocations.

Though many new students rely on family to help with the college moving process, hiring the professionals can significantly reduce the chaos and stress associated with a long-distance move. Not only do the pros know how to safely pack and transport your stuff, but they also have more than enough room inside the truck for anything you might want to bring. Even better, hiring long-distance movers comes with several perks you won’t get when you move your own things, including:

●        Moving insurance to protect your belongings during transit

●        Full packing services

●        Custom crating for large, bulky, or awkwardly shaped items

●        Professional help unloading and unpacking your things (no trudging up five flights of stairs!)

Even if you’re planning to attend a local college, professional movers and packers can be a huge help in getting your heavier, bulkier items up and down tight stairwells. And, if you decide you need to keep a few things in storage, many local moving companies also operate high-quality, secure storage solutions where you can keep your extra belongings safely stowed away.

Determine Your Move Date

When you do want to arrive on campus or at your rental house? Just a couple of days before orientation? Or do you want extra time to get settled in and explore your new location? For many new college students, homesickness is a tough feeling to conquer, and it typically sets in when there’s plenty of free time to spare — so plan your move accordingly.

If you tend to feel lonely with no one else around, set your move date closer to orientation day so you’ll arrive around the same time as your roomies. If, on the other hand, you enjoy your free time and prefer to settle in without the commotion of thousands of other students, set your move date earlier so you can enjoy some quiet time.

Keep in mind that if you plan to hire movers, you’ll need to decide on a move date as earlier as possible to ensure you snag a spot on the moving company’s schedule. Make doubly sure you know when you want to arrive because once you schedule a date with a busy moving company, there’s little chance you can successfully reschedule.

Pack a Bag of Essentials

If you’re planning on hiring a moving company or shipping your stuff to your new location, the worst thing ever is to find out you really need something and have zero idea where it is. To avoid this super common conundrum, pack a bag of everyday essentials you always use and keep it with you rather than loading it into your moving vehicle. That way, you can easily locate everything you need for your first few nights in your new place. What should you put in there? Start with these basics:

●        Laptop and chargers

●        Toiletries and first aid kit

●        Writing utensils, notebooks, and other school supplies

●        Laundry bag and detergent tabs

●        Bathrobe, shower shoes, and shower caddy (if you’re living in a dorm)

●        Medications (if you take them)

●        Bedding and towels

●        Pajamas and a few changes of clothes

Even after your things arrive at your new place, a super hectic college schedule can easily prevent you from unpacking everything for quite some time. In any case, packing an essentials bag will help ensure you have exactly what you need, right when you need it.

Consider Renting a Nearby Storage Unit

Since most newer college students head back to their parents’ homes for summer break, this tip may not apply to everyone. However, if you know you’ll be staying on campus or living in off-campus housing throughout summer break, you may want to consider bringing more of your belongings and finding a storage solution for your extra stuff.

Keeping the majority of your belongings close by will ensure you have them at the ready if you decide to move to a new house or out of the dorms. Since you’ll be hundreds (maybe thousands) of miles from your hometown, going back and collecting things you want is typically out of the question, especially if they’re large, bulky, or heavy items.

If you plan on hiring long-distance movers to bring your things to your college location, maximize that investment by cramming as much of your stuff into the truck as you can. Then, when you arrive at your new home, situate the things you really need inside your room and put the rest of your stuff in storage. 

Need Professional Movers and Packers? Contact Ace Moving & Warehousing

If you’re heading off to college in fall and need help moving your belongings, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team at Ace Moving & Warehousing. Since 1958, we’ve proudly served Twin Cities residents with a comprehensive collection of professional moving services, including full packing services, furniture moving, crating, climate-controlled storage solutions, and more. When you need a reliable, trustworthy, on-time team, make us your first call!

To learn more about our services or request a quick moving quote, give us a call today at 763-755-2045 or connect with us online and we’ll be in touch!